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this game it’s amazing! really fun, love the idea and the implementation on the theme, I suck at it but i really enjoyed it!

Wow, really fun and addictive loop! I'm in awe at how polished this feels for a week-long beginner's jam game! Felt really satisfying, and I am amazed how well the levels generate, always being explorable and I didn't get any unreachable areas or gaps I could get stuck in either.

The art is also just adorable, and the genre works really well with the theme!

Really, my only criticism would be the music loop being a bit short. At least for me, that was noticeable after a while. But that's a nitpick that I only bring up because the rest of the game felt so polished and well-done, that it stuck out to me.

Amazing job!


Thx for the kind words. Yeah the music was pretty rushed because neither of the main devs could do music so we asked our friend kinda last minute to do something for the game and the loop is like 20seconds or something lol :P.

About the 'beginners game jam', we are not rly beginners, and have made multiple jamgames already, but i mean we havent studied gamedesign or gamemaking or arent professionals by any means, so depends on the point of view. 

Ps. We might be updating the game a bit in future so stay tuned(maybe devlog here or something if we decide to continue the project)

-Tipu, programmer of this game


this might be the most fun  had on a game of this gamejam. 

love how well polished it is. awesome work.


Super fun

Rapidly turn into Hell

Weevil is funny

Fish with Hat Scary

I am a Hare
